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Miss Nelson Has a Field Day BSW1325


Return to Horace B. Smedley School where the Smedley Tornadoes have never won a football game. In fact, they have never even scored a single point! With such a poor record and a team that is out of control, kind-hearted Miss Nelson comes to the rescue when she enlists the help of her alter ego, the ill-tempered Miss Viola Swamp, to coach the team and whip them into shape. Considered by all to be “the meanest substitute teacher in the whole world,” Coach Swamp applies her trademark discipline to the players’ training, demanding tough exercises and no back talk. In the end, the team changes their attitude, pulls together, sharpens their skills, and manages to win the biggest game of the year.

校园橄榄球队在比赛中接连失败,一个球都没得到,连一向生气勃勃的207班,也被乌云所笼罩。尼尔森老师灵机一动,又拿出了她的“变装绝活”,让薇奥拉·斯旺普出场,成为这个“懒洋洋橄榄球队”的教练……经过“魔鬼训练”,球队的素质突飞猛进,居然痛宰了连年冠军的“狼人77队”,获得感恩节球赛的冠军!然而,这次变装的却不是207班的尼尔森老师…… 难道还会有人长得跟她一模一样吗?

By Harry G. Allard Jr., Illustrated James Marshall, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 32 pages, 10.75”x8.5"
Item: Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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