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Carmela Full of Wishes BSW1329


In their first collaboration since the Newbery Medal- and Caldecott Honor-winning Last Stop on Market Street, Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson deliver a poignant and timely new picture book that's sure to be an instant classic. When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already come true--she's finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the family errands. Together, they travel through their neighborhood, past the crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panadería, until they arrive at the Laundromat, where Carmela finds a lone dandelion growing in the pavement. But before she can blow its white fluff away, her brother tells her she has to make a wish. If only she can think of just the right wish to make . . . With lyrical, stirring text and stunning, evocative artwork, Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson have crafted a moving ode to family, to dreamers, and to finding hope in the most unexpected places.

吹開蒲公英種子,讓願望飛…… 因為愛,所以相信 因為愛,所以盼望 今天是卡梅拉的七歲生日,她長大了,終於可以和哥哥一起出門,幫忙做家務!卡梅拉雀躍的戴著生日手環,騎上滑板車,跟著哥哥走過農場的溫室,經過擁擠的公車站、修理廠、老人院、五金建材行,一直走到自助洗衣店。在洗衣店門口,卡梅拉發現一朵從泥縫中長出來的蒲公英,她摘下那朵白絨球,正想大口一吹時,哥哥卻問她許願了沒?卡梅拉想了想,應該許什麼願望好呢? 一路上,她看著白絨球,一邊想像得到一台糖果機、想像媽媽睡在她工作的高級飯店的床鋪上、想像爸爸回家團圓…… 以《市場街最後一站》同時榮獲紐伯瑞文學獎金獎和凱迪克銀牌獎的作繪者再度攜手合作,溫柔細膩的描繪出小女孩卡梅拉日常的一天。作者德拉佩尼亞用樸實內斂的文字書寫,以自身墨西哥移民到美國的經驗為出發點,將生活在勞動階級移民社區的小女孩當作主角,呈現她眼中的世界與感受,希望透過這樣的故事能讓孩子對與自己不同的文化族群有更多的尊重與認識。 善於用圖像說故事的繪者克里斯汀.羅賓遜,靈感來自兒時成長的洛杉磯拉丁裔社區,他用壓克力顏料和拼貼作畫,描繪出充滿能量、活力十足的西語社區,並且將卡梅拉的願望以墨西哥傳統文化中常出現的剪紙藝術展現出來,不僅具有文化特色,更豐富了小女孩腦海中的幻想。

By Matt de la Peņa, Illustrated by Christian Robinson, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese Characters with Zhuyin, 38 Pages, 10.4"x9.3"
Item: Carmela Full of Wishes
Our Price:US$ 17.95
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