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One Rainy Day BSW604


Why is Pig all wet? Did he get caught in the rain? No, he found shelter under a great big tree. But then a mouse joined him, and then two porcupines, three buffaloes, and so on, until there were enough animals under that tree to fill a zoo! But there was room for everyone, so why is Pig dripping wet? Goat thinks he knows . . . but young readers will be tickled to find out that the answer is not what they expect!

故事讲述的是发生在一个下雨天里的好玩的事。浑身湿漉漉的小猪急急忙忙跑了回来,引起了在看报纸的山羊伯伯的注意,故事就这样开始了……随着小猪躲雨的遭遇,一群群动物伙伴出现了:先是一只个头小、跑得快的老鼠,紧接着,来了两只豪猪,还有三头水牛,四只豹子……最后,大家都到同一棵大树下来躲雨。  这是一个充满童趣的故事:躲雨,在大人看来不过是一次下雨天忘带雨伞后的狼狈举动,但在孩子看来,却是一次充满童趣的快乐经历。生活中这一再平凡不过的细节,被作者发现、挖掘、联想,并以孩子的视角通过一个童真的故事为我们展现。这是一本有趣的动物认知、数字认知绘本:随着小猪的经历,一群群动物出场了。一只老鼠、两只豪猪、三头水牛……作者用细腻、生动的图画,将动物们的动作、神态刻画得生动、活泼。随着时间的推移,小读者还能通过画面从1数到10。在最后的大拉页中,孩子们可以数一数一共有多少只动物在大树下躲雨。这并非仅是一个献给下雨天的礼物,希望孩子们能从故事中感受到生活细节带来的童真和童趣!也希望孩子们在快乐的同时,学有所获!

By Valeri Gorbachev, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters, 35 pages, 11.25"x8.50"
Item: One Rainy Day
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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