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It Could Always Be Worse BSW668


Once upon a time a poor unfortunate man lived with his mother, his wife, and his six children in a one-room hut. Because they were so crowded, the children often fought and the man and his wife argued. When the poor man was unable to stand it any longer, he ran to the Rabbi for help. As he follows the Rabbi's unlikely advice, the poor man's life goes from bad to worse, with increasingly uproarious results. In his little hut, silly calamity follows foolish catastrophe, all memorably depicted in full-color illustrations that are both funnier and lovelier than any this distinguished artist has done in the past.

从前,有一个贫穷又不幸的男人,和他的母亲、妻子和六个孩子住在一间拥挤的小棚屋里。因为家里太小了,家人们非常吵闹,孩子们也常常打成一团。因此,男人去找聪明的长老想办法。长老给他出了一个又一个主意,但每个新的主意都让家里的状况变得更糟糕…… 《绝妙的馊主意》是1977年美国纽约时报书评推荐的年度最佳儿童书,并获得了1978年的美国凯迪克荣誉奖。这是一个源自犹太民族的传说,作者用一幅幅彩色插图,生动地再现了这个可怜的人家因长老出的“馊主意”而导致的一个又一个灾难式的糟糕场面,十分诙谐有趣,也十分精彩。故事最后以反转来结束,既在情理之中,又使人颇感出乎意料。吸引读者,津津乐道。

By Margot Zemach, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Character (TC with Zhuyin), 32 pages, 9.25"x10.25"
Item: It Could Always Be Worse
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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