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When Abraham Talked to the Trees BSW862


When Abraham Lincoln's mom died, she left him a book and the wish to read it every day. The words were hard to figure out sometimes, but he tried again and again when chores were finished and the quiet had come. Abraham Lincoln's love for words the reading, writing, and speaking of them began when he was young. Though his early years were filled with hardship and loss, he had a hunger for learning and persisted in his determination to develop the skills he would need later in his life.When Abraham Talked to the Trees offers young readers an inspiring glimpse of a historical giant who at their own age had to struggle against the odds to learn the skills that they, too, are working to develop. Author Elizabeth Van Steenwyk's anecdotal story reveals the character of the boy who grew up to be an American president known for his brilliance, wit, and humanity; while Bill Farnsworth's warm oil paintings beautifully capture the time, place, and circumstances of young Abraham's life.


By Elizabeth Van Steenwyk, Illustrated by Bill Farnsworth, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese Character, 32 pages, 11.25"x8.8"
Item: When Abraham Talked to the Trees
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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