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Last Days of Summer BSY555


Mixing nostalgia, baseball and a boy's mostly epistolary friendship with a 1940s baseball star, this inventive but sentimental novel consists entirely of letters, fictional newspaper clippings, telegrams, war dispatches, report cards and other documentary fragments. Growing up Jewish in a tough, Italian Brooklyn neighborhood, Joey Margolis is troubled by anti-Semitic neighbors, by Hitler's rising power, by his parents' divorce and by his absent cad of a father. Craving a surrogate dad, Joey strikes up a correspondence with Wisconsin-born New York Giants slugger Charlie Banks. The boy's outrageous fibs, tough-guy posturing and desperate pleas grab the reluctant attention of the superstar, whose racy vernacular guy-talk (peppered with amusing misspellings and misusages) hints at his deepening affection for Joey. Charlie is a politically enlightened proletarian ballplayer with a heart of gold. His liberal views find an echo in Joey, whose best friend, Japanese-American Craig Nakamura, gets shipped off with his family to a wartime internment camp. In a plot that swerves from Joey's Bar Mitzvah to a White House meeting with President Roosevelt to a tearjerking climax, Kluger keeps changing the pace and piles on a slew of period references with a heavy hand. Despite these flaws, this debut novel is at its best a poignant, golden evocation of one boy's lost innocence. 

在孩子的内心,都渴望有一个英雄式的人物来保护自己,大多数时候这个角色担当是父亲。然而布鲁克林12 岁的乔伊来自一个不幸的家庭,父亲抛弃了乔伊和妈妈。他行为大胆乖张,从9 岁开始就和白宫通信,预测二战欧洲战争局势、美国总统大选结果,准确率高得让罗斯福震惊。他每天过着孤单而被欺侮的日子,渴望有个英雄出现来救他,这时,他选择了20 岁的棒球明星查理。查理快人快语,行事鲁莽,有着不为人知的童年经历。他本来将乔伊当成疯狂的球迷,不屑一顾,谁知道一通信就再也停不下来。两人在信中捉弄、挖苦对方,又尽情地说笑,但在爆笑的言语中,让人感受到的却是两人家人般的相扶与温暖,真挚得令人心酸落泪。

By Steve Kluger, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 355 pages, 8.25"x5.7"
Item: Last Days of Summer
Our Price:US$ 13.95
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