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5000 Years of Chinese Characters (4 DVD) VVC097


Producers and creative team of “5000 Year of Chinese Characters” traveled twelve countries on four continents, interviewed a hundred of experts and scholars to make this wonderful show the evaluation  of Chinese characters in 5000 years. The series presents the characters with stories, historic background, arts around the Chinese characters, such as calligraphy and more. 4 DVDs are included in 8 episodes. In Mandarin Chinese only.

Episode Titles:
1. 人类奇葩
2. 高天长河
3. 霞光万道
4. 华夏心灵
5. 翰墨情怀
6. 天下至宝
7. 浴火重生
8. 芳华永驻

4 DVDs, Mandarin Chinese
Item: 5000 Years of Chinese Characters (4 DVD)
Our Price:US$ 69.95
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