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China Panorama Intermediate Chinese VVL066


This new teaching material is the next progression of the China Panorama - Approaching Chinese. It is suitable for students that have a avocabulary of approximately 1,000 Chinese characters and have mastered basic grammar, upon completion of the course one can easily communication in Chinese. The new material is based on various aspects of foreigners' life in China, focusing on what is both practical and relevant by using actual locations and real performances by actors, to create a genuine, realistic environment for the student. The DVD is an updated version of the original VCD. New sections have been added and four subtitle choices are now available: Chinese, English, Korean and Pinyin. For each chapter the new language points are taken from the dialogs and explained in detail. Furthermore, the new DVD design includes vocabulary study options. The new course is ideal for both class and self study. The accompanying textbook, CD, VCD and CD-ROM software, are all designed for optimal learning and to aid the student in getting the most out of the material.

7 DVDs, Box Size: 7.5" x 5.7" x 2"
Item: China Panorama Intermediate Chinese
Our Price:US$ 79.95
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