This dictionary includes over 14,000 phrases and idioms in both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. It uses both Pinyin and Mandarin Phonetic Symbols and contains five indices, Pinyin, Mandarin Phonetic Symbols, radicals, frequency, and stroke numbers of...
In this dictionary all the entries are transcribed in Pinyin and arranged alphabetically just like an English dictionary. Beijing dialect is used as the standard pronunciation. The pronunciation used in Taiwan is also provided if there is any variation. Different...
OUR PRICE: 25.95
This popular little Chinese dictionary is a must-have for native Chinese speakers and non-native speakers who have learned Chinese. The dictionary is helpful to learn additional words, definitions and combinations of new words to improve language ability.
OUR PRICE: 12.95
Better Chinese Dictionary is for use by elementary and secondary students in their study of Chinese as a second or foreign language. Definitions as well as sample phrases and sentences are provided for 690 Chinese characters that are most commonly encountered in...
OUR PRICE: 19.95
Times Encyclopedia of Written Chinese (汉字通-图解字典) is a vivid, illustrated guide to Chinese characters that breathes life into the study of the written script by providing readers with the keys to discerning the...
OUR PRICE: 49.95
A Handbook of Chinese Synonym is designed for the students with some basic Chinese. It provides coverage of over 1600 synonyms arranged in 740 groups. Each words marks with Pinyin and translated in English, Japanese and Korean....
OUR PRICE: 29.95
Primary Chinese Dictionary is suitable for elementary school students and Chinese teachers. This dictionary is in simple interpretation and lively sample sentences. It also provides stroke, character structure, stroke order and character shape analysis. The...
OUR PRICE: 18.95
The Multifunctional Dictionary follows the national language of standards to determine the pronunciation of words. The interpretation is accurate and provides appropriate examples. This dictionary includes more than 5500 words and also includes phonetic, radical,...
OUR PRICE: 27.95
This fourth edition has been updated to take account of new vocabulary and recent development in Chinese and English. New words and phrases reflect scientific and technical innovations, particularly in the areas of business, information technology, and...
OUR PRICE: 39.95
VocabuLearn's new research-based format utilizes a carefully selected musical background to create an optimal learning state in which to acquire new foreign language vocabulary. Studies have shown that certain music styles prepare the brain to be more receptive to...
OUR PRICE: 16.95
Are you planning a trip to China? Here's 3-in-1 survival kit small enough to fit in a pocket or purse. You'll get 300 essential words and phrases on audio, key words and phrases, as well as accurate native pronunciation. TravelTalk builds instant 2-way communication...
OUR PRICE: 15.95
An essential reference both for English-speakers learning Chinese and Chinese-speakers learning English, this 4th edition of the Pocket Chinese Dictionary offers authoritative, up-to-the-minute coverage, with over 88,000 words and phrases, and 130,000 translations,...
OUR PRICE: 20.95