Adventures in Science Series consists of 7 books. This series focuses on the world's current trends on science. Topics include arts, sciences, psychology, physiology, and naturare....
OUR PRICE: 11.95
Weird But True is based on the hugely popular magazine page of quirky, fun facts that many readers of National Geographic Kids magazine turn to first. Do you know that peanut butter can be turned into diamond, or that the oldest pet gold-fish lived to 43 years of...
OUR PRICE: 12.95
Children's First Encyclopedia has fabulous illustrations and clear, simple text. It is an ideal reference book for school projects. It features a glossary, index and facts and records. It presents internet-links to amazing websites. What was the biggest dinosaur?...
OUR PRICE: 10.95
This emergent reader series introduces children to different phenomenons and objects from our planet earth as well as the ever-expanding space. Have you ever wonder where does coral reefs come from or why does the moon change its shape? If the answer is yes...
Environmental Enlightenment For Children is a scientific series for children. It breaks through the the language and narrative style in traditional teaching and brings fun and refreshment to scientific learning. The series has six books. Each of them introduces...
Science How So? introduces different science concepts and phenomenon to young curious minds through fun stories and vivid, bright illustrations, making science learning exciting. It takes children to explore various science topics, from physics to chemistry, from...
This 8 science books in this series are written based on the National Standard-Based Preschool Curriculum, with the aim of helping children aged 4 to 6 learn basic science concepts and develop cognitive skils. The scientific knowledge provided by these books creates...
This series explores different topics from all areas of science. From animals to space, from the human body to the Earth, each book in this series covers a specific topic with a variety of details on the subject. Written in the style of a children’s textbook,...
OUR PRICE: 14.95
Scholastic Discover More is a revolutionary new nonfiction packed with surprising information and stunning photos introducing science topics such as animals, rainforest, weather and planets. Please click here for each title description....
OUR PRICE: 18.95
OUR PRICE: 43.95
OUR PRICE: 62.95