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iSuper Science Books Level 2 (4 Books) BLC877


iSuper Chinese Little Ph.D. Chinese Teaching Resources Designed for Grades K-5, immersion program and beginners. 6 levels in all, 3 sets in each level, and every set includes 4 books. Complete sets, including corresponding student and teacher versions of each book. Topic-based, suited for practical use in the science classroom. Relevant, handpicked topics that students like to talk about most. Scientific, conforms to the standards of the FOOS academic curriculum. Active and lively, tailored to the tastes and interests of American children. Systematically designed, divided into levels according to students cognitive development. Highly educational, acquire Chinese language and gain academic knowledge simultaneously. Practical, interactive activities throughout the entire process. Flexible, utilizes a wide range of teaching styles.

iSuper中文小博士汉语教学资源K-5年级, 沉浸式,初级共6级;1级共3辑,每辑4册。配套齐全,包含学生用书和教师用书。主题为纲,符合科学课程教学实际。贴近生活,选取学生最感兴趣话题。科学准确,符合FOSS教学大纲要求。生动细致,贴近北美少儿审美趣味。分级编排,遵循认知能力发展模式。突出教学,语言与知识水平同步提升。注重实践,互动实验贯穿学习始终。配套齐全,带动多元课堂教学模式。

Book Titles:
Earth Science (Earth Structure) 地球科学
Rocks 岩石
Ores and Fossils 矿石和化石
Soil 土壤
Water and the Earth 水和地球

Life Science (Butterflies and Moths) 生命科学
Organism-Insects 生物-昆虫
Butterflies and Moths 蝴蝶和飞蛾
The Life Circle 生命周期
Observe the Growth of Insects 观察昆虫成长

Physical Science (Matter) 物理科学
Matter and Property 物质和属性
The Classification of Matter 物质的分类
The Property of Water 水的特性
The Features of Matter 物质的特性

By Marisa Fang and Zhining Chin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin, 16-25 pages/book, 10.25"x7.25"
Item: iSuper Science Books Level 2 (4 Books)
Our Price:US$ 29.95
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