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International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education BLS003


In compliance with the rapid development of Chinese language education around the world, International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education (hereafter called ICCLE) has developed under the auspices of the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) to meet the needs of many countries for standardizing Chinese language education.
As an organizer and a descriptor of objectives and content of Chinese language curriculum, ICCLE strives to provide a reference curriculum for Chinese language educational agencies and instructors in their planning, to establish a framework for assessing language competence of Chinese language learners, and to offer a basis for Chinese language resource development in further promotion of Chinese langauge education.
International Chinese language education aims to help learner with their Chinese language knowledge and skills, including consolidation of their intentions to learn Chinese language, self-direction and cooperation, effective learning strategies, and the ultimate goal of comprehensive mastery of linguistic competencies.
Linguistic competencies are composed of linguistic knowledge, linguistic skills, strategies, and cuylutral awareness, with the former two functioning as the basis. Strategies act as conditions upon which learners increase their efficiency, learn independently, and develop their personal abilities. Cultural awareness guarantees the development of a global learner in his or her appropriate use of a language in a pluricultural society.
The interrelatedness of the four components of linguistic competencies is exemplified in the following figure: linguistic knowledge, linguistic skills, strategies, and cultural awareness.
ICCLE is designed to be used by educators in international Chinese language education, as well as learners f the Chinese language, from preschoolers to adults, from school to non-school learners, irrespective of their language background. School learns can refer to those educated at schools (primary, junior, and senior high schools), at separate schools, at private schools, or at international schools. Non-school learners refer to those taking lesson for their personal interests at evening schools, at weekend schools, or at extension schools. Teachers of Chinese to speaker of other languages and volunteer teachers will find ICCLE a valuable reference in their careers, and ICCLE also serves as a source and guide for Chinese textbook compilers.
The book itself is split into two sections--a Chinese and an English section. The Chinese section totals 129 pages. The English section is accessed in an unique manner: to access the English section, flip to the back cover of the book and rotate the book 180 degrees. If the title is now oriented in readable manner, you have successfully found the front cover of the 109 page-English section.

《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》从指导国际汉语教学实践的角度出发,对课程目标及学习者所应具备的语言知识、语言技能、策略和文化意识等方面,进行了分级分类描述。 《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》在编写过程中,最大可能地兼顾到小学、中学及社会人士等不同使用对象的特点,最大限度地降低了汉语学习的难度,对目标等级也做了适当调整,突出汉语交际能力在培养语言综合运用能力中的地位,以适应国际汉语教学的实际情况。 《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》参照《国际汉语能力标准》《欧洲语言教学与评估框架性共同标准》等国际认可的语言能力标准,从跨文化语言教学的角度,吸收了现阶段国际汉语教学的成果与经验,对典型的汉语语言知识、文化知识等教学内容进行了梳理,并提供了具有可操作性的示例建议,以便于更多的国际汉语教学工作者在教学、师资培训、教材编写等方面参考使用。国际汉语教学课程的总目标是,使学习者在学习汉语语言知识与技能的同时,进一步强化学习目的,培养自主学习与合作学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略,最终具备语言综合运用能力。语言综合运用能力由语言知识、语言技能、策略、文化意识四方面内容组成。其中语言知识和语言技能是语言综合运用能力的基础;策略是提高效率、促进学习者自主学习和发展自我能力的重要条件;文化意识则是培养学习者具备国际视野和多元文化意识,更得体地运用语言的必备元素。 《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》旨在为国际汉语教学工作者和汉语学习者服务。适用对象包括成年人与未成年人、在校学习者与社会学习者、有汉语背景者与无汉语背景者等。此外,《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》对中国的国际汉语教师及志愿者教师也具有参考价值,同时也为编写国际汉语教材提供了参考。 Please review the table of content.

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters (109 pages) and English (129 pages), 238 pages, 10.25"x7.3"
Item: International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education
Our Price:US$ 21.95
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