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The Dot BSW063


Simplicity itself, like the dot in the title, this small book carries a big message. Vashti doesn't like her art class. She can't draw. So when her teacher tells her just to make a mark, Vashti belligerently hands in her paper with a single dot. But what a wise teacher Vashti has. She makes Vashti sign the paper, and then she frames it. Seeing her work on the wall encourages Vashti to do better, and she takes out her watercolors and begins experimenting with all sorts of dots. At a school show, her dots are a hit, and when a little boy tells her he can't draw, she invites him to make his own mark. The squiggle he puts down on paper gets him off and running. The pen-and-ink drawings accented with splotches of colorful circles aren't quite as minimalist as Vashti's work, but they reflect the same spareness and possibility.

“那就随便画一笔,看看能画出什么。”瓦士缇的老师请她随意地表达自己。但是瓦士提不会画画——她不是艺术家。为了证明这一点,她在一张空白的图画纸上戳了一个极其普通又充满愤怒的点。就是这个小小的点让瓦士缇开始了充满惊喜的自我发现之旅。这个小小的点是彼德·H·雷诺兹这个激发我们所有人创造力的精妙寓言的起点。这个小小的点就标志着开始。 《爱心树世界杰出绘本选·点》荣登《纽约时报》畅销书榜。囊括美国十项年度童书大奖同名电影荣获芝加哥国际儿童电影节大奖并入围奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。同名电影荣获芝加哥国际儿童电影节大奖并入围奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。这是激发孩子无限潜能的关键点 更是开启孩子无限未来的关键点。

By Peter H. Reynolds, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters with zhuyin, 28 pages, 8.25"x8.5"
Item: The Dot
Starts At:US$ 15.95
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