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Everyday Mathematics - Principles (40 Books) BLC460


Everyday Mathematics to the Principles is part of the most popular children's math book series in Korea. It is comprised of 40 books, which covers a variety of basic math topics, such as angle, perimeter, symmetry, fraction, statistics, probability, ratio, etc. Each story is accompanied by fun and simple language and interesting pictures. Children from 4-6 years old will find explanations to the math occurring around them. Mathematic examples are also included in each story, and the "I want to know more" section at the end of each book will enrich the knowledge and open the prospective of the children.


Book Titles:
Funny Geometry 好玩的几何

Angle 两条射线手牵手(角)
Triangle 魔法三兄弟的探险之旅(三角形)
Quadrangle 谁是四边形王国的王子(四边形)
Congruent and similarity(全等和相似)
Circle 咕噜咕噜PK赛(圆)
Perimeter 栅栏栅栏围起来(周长)
Area 宽宽窄窄量量看(面积)
Symmetry 咔嚓咔嚓,爸爸是魔法师(对称)
Pattern 寻找消失的宝石王冠(规律)
Time 怪物王国的难题(时间)
Length Measurement 国王的新衣有多长(长度测量)
Weight 妖精豆豆逛集市(重量)
Dimensional graphics 谁偷走了西瓜(立体图形)
Volume 硬邦邦冰工厂的一天(体积)
Spreading picture 点点蚂蚁盖房子(展开图)

Wonderful Algebra 奇妙的代数
The basis of number卡卡和他的牛(数的基础)
Digital 忙碌的星星工厂(数位)
Ten 阳阳数鸡蛋(凑10)
Sum 小偷们的黑暗银行(加法)
Subtraction 大猩猩粑粑卖苹果(减法)
Multiplication 买卖国的乘法队长(乘法)
Multiplication Table 数学家阿汤的苦恼(九九乘法表)
Multiples 小猫托托买鱼记(倍数)
Power 神奇的面包机(乘方)
Division 欧利和他的懒弟弟(除法)
Factor 最聪明的小指挥官(因数)
Fraction 保罗大叔分比萨(分数)
Fractional Arithmetic 猫鼠大战抢奶酪(分数的运算)
Decimal 坏蛋格格巫的“好点子”(小数)
Decimal Arithmetic 食神崔女士(小数的运算)
Negative Number 外星人来啦(负数)
Unknown Number 请帮帮我,X-man(未知数)
Sequence 给我糕点吃,我就不吃你(数列)
Statistics 神通部落的人气调查(统计)
Collection 寻找放屁王(集合)
Possibility 猫画被盗事件(可能情况个数)
Probability 谁能得到变形金刚(概率)
Proportion 水什么时候才会满(比例)
Ratio 田鼠小兄弟的较量(比率)
Estimation 猜猜有几个(估算)

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 34 pages/book, 8.25"x7.45"

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Item: Everyday Mathematics - Principles (40 Books)
Our Price:US$ 199.95

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