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Teaching Foreigners Practical Chinese Grammar BLS017


The book chooses grammar points related to the practical problems that occurred in learners’ study of Chinese. Precise explaining and abundant exercises are highly  emphasized with  the  methodical  and understandable  lectures.  The book emphasizes the comparison and contrast of similar language points and that of the synonyms and antonyms, with plenty of unit exercises, comprehensive exercises and HSK grammar exercises, helping learners to better master grammar.

《对外汉语教学实用语法》针对学生汉语语法学习中存在的实际问题选设语法点,注重精讲多练,讲解语言浅显、条理化,突出汉语内部相近语言现象的对比和语言用例的正反对比,同时配有大量单元练习、综合练习和HSK语法练习。  《对外汉语教学实用语法·练习参考答案及要解》帮助学习者更具体、更有针对性地理解汉语语法 请参阅中文简介.

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 451 pages, 9.5"x6.75"
Item: Teaching Foreigners Practical Chinese Grammar
Our Price:US$ 39.95
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