The New Concept Textbook is a Chinese language textbook that has many unique characteristics specifically and locally tailored for students from youth to teenage years. This book is completed based on the advice and approval of Chinese language specialists in...
OUR PRICE: 49.95
OUR PRICE: 29.95
The Comprehensive School Composition series seeks to introduce students of Chinese to the world of composition, and help them to cultivate their own expressive voice. Books are designed to be lively and easy to understand, and are excellent for teaching students to...
The workbooks reinforce the use of vocabulary acquired from the textbooks and give students opportunities to practice the skills necessary to master the Chinese language. ...
The workbooks reinforce the use of vocabulary acquired from the textbooks and give students opportunities to practice the skills necessary to master the Chinese language. 本教材系列适用于: (1)...
This series is developed to help students learn the Chinese Language effectively. It has been designed to help students acquire listening, speaking, reading and writing skills progressively. At each level, the core curriculum is supported by a comprehensive range of...
This series is suitable for beginners. It aims to enhance the learner’s verbal communication skills, at the same time, develop his or her reading and writing abilities. The chapters begin with examples and explanations to introduce learners to the respective...
OUR PRICE: 12.95
The workbooks reinforce the use of vocabulary acquired from the textbooks and give students opportunities to practice the skills necessary to master the Chinese language. Book Title: 1A 一年级上册 1B...