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National Geographic- Animal Stories BLC652


National Geographic Society carefully selects the most exciting young readers who like animal to form a set of short animal story. This animal's series talks about the wonderful and dark side of animals. This series has a total of seven books; each book has its own theme, such as animal mischievous, heroic deeds, friendship and other animals. Each story is incredible but real, opening with an exciting picture, in the process of reading surprises, and more fun to share with friends. For more details on each title click here (in Simplified Chinese)


Book Titles:
Orangutans Great Escape 红毛猩猩大越狱
Tigers Big Trouble 老虎的大麻烦
Dogs Save Dolphins 狗狗勇救小海豚
Dancing with the Crocodile 与鳄鱼共舞
Animals Big Star 动物大明星
Animal Hero Tear-Jerking Story 催人泪下的动物英雄故事
Forever Friends 永远的好朋友

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 102 pages/book, 8.25"x5.6"
Item: National Geographic- Animal Stories
Our Price:US$ 11.95
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