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Hello! Science Series: Biology, Human and Environment (18 Books) BLC666


Hello! Science Series cover knowledge in physics, chemistry, biology, body, environment and earth science. Children will gain scientific knowledge through fairy tale stories that are full of imagination and fun.


Book Titles:
Biological Sciences 生物科学
The Smelly Skunk (Microorganism) 臭烘烘的臭鼬(微生物)
What's Swimming Slowing in the Water? (Tiny Creatures Living in the Water) 什么东西在水里慢慢游?(生活在水里的微小生物)
How Animals Talk (Awareness of Animal Communication) 动物怎么说话呢(动物的意识交流)
The Biological World of Eating and Being Eaten (Ecosystem) 吃和被吃的生物世界(生态系统)
What Kind of House to Cover? (Animals to Build a House) 盖个什么样的房子呢?(动物们盖房子)
Looks of Animals (Organisms Adapt to the Environment) 动物们的相貌(适应环境的生物)
Kidney Bean is Growing Quickly (Growing fruit) 芸豆蹭蹭往上长(果实的成长)
The Small Tree, the Green Small Tree (Photosynthesis) 小树呀,绿色的小树呀(光合作用)
Let's Go Find Colorful Flowers (Flowers) 我们去找五颜六色的花吧!(花)

Human Science 人体科学
How Was I Born? (Born and Raised) 我是如何出生的?(出生和成长)
Ears to Listen, Eyes to See, Mouth to Taste (Eyes and Sense Organs) 耳听,眼看,嘴巴尝(眼睛和感觉器官)
Hard Bones, Strong Muscles (Bones and Muscles) 坚硬的骨骼,结实的肌肉(骨骼和肌肉)
The Brain is So Smart (Brain) 大脑真聪明(大脑)
Heart Thumps and Jumps (Circulation and Immunity) 心脏扑通扑通跳(循环和免疫)
Where are the Things Ate into the Stomach? (Digestion and Nutrition) 吃进肚子里的东西哪儿去了?(消化和营养)
Panting, Sweating (Respiration and Excretion) 气喘吁吁,大汗淋漓(呼吸和排泄)

Environmental Science 环境科学
Precious Land (Soil Pollution) 珍贵的土地(土壤污染)
Please Protect the Water and the Air (Water and Air Pollution) 请保护水和空气(水污染和空气污染)

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 33 pages/book, 11.2"x8.2"
Item: Hello! Science Series: Biology, Human and Environment (18 Books)
Our Price:US$ 129.95
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